How to Pick Up a New Instrument and Stay Motivated
It’s so exciting to start a new musical instrument but staying motivated as you progress can be difficult at times. Check out our tips for sticking with your new instrument!
Get a teacher.
We know it’s tempting to learn a new instrument through YouTube videos. But, only a real teacher can give you personalised feedback and prevent bad habits from setting in. A teacher will personalise lessons to your goals and tastes, as well as keeping you accountable for weekly progress.
Seek out the music you want to play.
What attracted you to the instrument in the first place? Was it a roaring guitar solo in the latest Snarky Puppy album? Once you have solidified the basics of your instrument, make time for learning your favourite pieces and styles. There are many books available with simplified versions of popular songs, so you can play what you like while your range and skills are still limited.
Keep your instrument in good playing condition.
Practising will become tiring quickly if your instrument is working against you. Make sure you are aware of any maintenance your instrument requires, such as changing strings or reeds. Most instruments need a service every one to two years, depending on the type of instrument.
At Fine Music, we make sure new instrument learners are aware of their instrument's maintenance requirements and have developed a series of videos that take you through some of these processes.
Set goals.
Although it’s fun to noodle from time to time, random practice can be hard to sustain. Pick a couple pieces you know will be achievable but will have some challenges to work through as well. After a couple years of playing, you might like to sign up for local eisteddfods or organise casual concerts for friends and family.
Join a large ensemble or band.
Playing in a group will give you specific things to practise and performances to work towards. It can also be a great way to meet others who play your instrument and learn from their playing as well.
Learning a new instrument can be really exciting but requires a bit of dedication and direction to maintain momentum. We hope these tips help you along the way!